Silent Majority Report Editorial Team


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Trump ends Biden’s immigrant app loophole

Moments after the new president was sworn in on Monday, Trump administration officials took swift action to shut down a mobile app that allowed...

The Left’s Popularity Is Shrinking Fast Based On Latest Report

It's no secret that the Democrat Party suffered a brutal defeat in the 2024 elections. The Republicans were able to win the White House...

Illegal immigrant headed to prison for voter fraud: Report

An illegal immigrant who stole another person’s identity to obtain a U.S. passport, register to vote, and cast ballots in multiple elections has been...

President Biden Removes Communist Cuba From Terrorist List

Most Americans still have no stomach for communism, communist ideas, or anything that smells like it like adjacent "socialist" ideas being championed by the...

House Oversight Chairman Blasts “Incomplete” Hunter Biden Investigation

Corruption has always and will always exist in the political world. It's an unfortunate reality of humanity. However, that doesn't mean that elected officials...


Rep. Jasmine Crockett Against Giving Checks To Taxpayers Through DOGE Dividends

For decades, American citizens have grown incredibly tired of...

Mitch McConnell’s retirement highlights the need for term limits

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving party leader...

President Trump Gives Public Schools Deadline To Completely Eliminate DEI Initiatives

One of the most popular positions of the second...

Sen. Joni Ernst Looking To Eliminate “Welfare For Politicians” With New Bill

Democrats and Republicans can both agree that the political...