Biden-Harris DOJ Sues State of Alabama For Cleaning Voter Rolls

This election cycle has become about as dirty as possible. We’ve seen lawsuits galore, we’ve seen a top candidate survive at least two credible assassination attempts, we’ve seen an incumbent President drop out of the race just weeks before the election, we’ve seen it all. This election is bringing out the worst in everyone, seemingly.

Well, add on to this list the fact that the Department of Justice headed by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is now suing a state because of their efforts to clean the voter rolls before Election Day arrives. This is what just happened to the state of Alabama last week.

Back in August, the Secretary of State in Alabama, Wes Allen, wrote a press release stating that he would be executing the removal of noncitizens who were registered to vote in the state of Alabama. He said that he simply wouldn’t “tolerate” any nefarious activity in their elections, adding that he has testified before Congress on this matter.

“I have been clear that I will not tolerate the participation of noncitizens in our elections,” the official statement from August reads. “I have even gone so far as to testify before a United States Senate Committee regarding the importance of this issue. We have examined the current voter file in an attempt to identify anyone who appears on that list that has been issued a noncitizen identification number.”

Allen adds that anyone who was a non-citizen who has since become a legal U.S. citizen will be welcome to simply notify the state with their updated information so that the state can identify and verify their legal status. In their press release, they also note that they plan on this being a regular matter for the state of Alabama, rather than a one-off.

“This is not a one-time review of our voter file. We will continue to conduct such reviews to do everything possible to make sure that everyone on our file is an eligible voter,” Alabama’s Secretary of State added. “I am hopeful that in the near future the federal government will change course and be helpful to states as we work to protect our elections.”

Well the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration aren’t fond of this news, apparently. They’ve filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of State of Alabama, Wes Allen, saying that he’s violating the federal election laws regarding when you’re allowed to clean voter rolls leading up to Election Day.

“The right to vote is one of the most sacred rights in our democracy,” a top lawyer for the Department of Justice said about the matter in an official release from last week. “As Election Day approaches, it is critical that Alabama redress voter confusion resulting from its list maintenance mailings sent in violation of federal law.”

Kristen Clarke contends that the efforts of Wes Allen and the state of Alabama violate the National Voter Registration Act, and specifically the requirement that any voter roll cleaning be done outside of 90 days before an Election Day. Clarke says Alabama should “take heed of the National Voter Registration Act’s clear and unequivocal restrictions on systematic list maintenance efforts that fall within 90 days of an election.”

Mr. Allen’s office has not commented on this lawsuit since he is a named defendant, but Allen did share with reporters that he believes it is his duty to uphold the integrity of Alabama’s elections by ensuring that only legally registered voters are participating in the election no matter what.

“I was elected Secretary of State by the people of Alabama, and it is my Constitutional duty to ensure that only American citizens vote in our elections,” Secretary of State Wes Allen shared with reporters at the Daily Caller after the news broke.

The legal experts Silent Majority Report reached out to suggest that this lawsuit could come down to the contention over whether cleaning the voter rolls of any ineligible, non-citizens is even illegal. If it’s perfectly legal for non-citizens to be removed from the voter rolls, then Alabama might make the case that’s all they were doing.

Furthermore, the National Voter Registration Act from 1993 cannot be in contention with the United States Constitution. Some legal experts argue that the U.S. Constitution charges the states with ensuring that their elections are safe and integrous no matter what. This section being Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution.

Assuming that legal jurisprudence on the matter, this would be an issue that the U.S. Supreme Court would need to evaluate to determine whether the state of Alabama was acting within its constitutional rights. It’s hard to say how the current Justices on the High Court bench would rule on such a case.

Do you think Alabama should be allowed to clean their voter rolls of any ineligible non-citizens? As always, let us know what you think in the comments below.


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4 months ago

Yes, unquestionably. It is not Alabama being wrong here, but the Biden, Harass administration that is being flagrantly wrong in this issue. This administration is an abomination.

jay jones
jay jones
4 months ago

What does that tell you about Harris & Company???? They are for illegals to vote and
everything else that should be for citizens only???? Better think this over really hard!!
If she gets in the illegals will have a field day in America!!! Believe it!!!! Your either a
legal citizen or your not!!! Tells you a lot about her disgrace at OUR border!!! She must
not ….must not be elected to President!!!! Doesn’t even measure up to a VP given her
negligence at OUR border!! Voting her in is giving an approval of the disaster she has
created at our border!!!! This can not be tollerated. She is weak weak weak and wrong
wrong wrong for America!!! She will destroy us from within!!!! Demo’s are trying
everything under the sun to weasel her into the the Oval Office!!! We can not……
Think about it the only single job see was assigned and did nothing!!! So how can
they put her out there to take over the country with her track record….???????
Answer, they can not!! Voters you know what needs to be done…time is short..
Its in your hands voters

4 months ago

Illegals should never be allowed to vote, or be allowed to stay in the country. Democrats just want the votes, and they’re handing America to the communists. The democrats must be voted out of all offices…

Randy Waldron
Randy Waldron
4 months ago
Reply to  Lou

Yes, this shouldn’t even be in question but with current crooked Democrats, it is!

Linda Hall
Linda Hall
4 months ago
Reply to  Randy Waldron

The Democrats have no ETHICS or HONESTY! They have certainly gone downhill from who they were 50 years ago! They actually don’t CARE about our country —just their pocket books and power!

4 months ago

This discussion is a no brainer. Every State and possession of the United States should purge voting records of illegal registrants and in addition proper ID should be mandated.

Linda Hall
Linda Hall
4 months ago
Reply to  RICHARD

Judicial Watch is continuing taking states to court for not cleaning their voting polls, but they need help from other good legal organizations, as it takes months to complete a lawsuit. JW continually has other cases they have to resolve, too, so i don’t see how they can complete lawsuits involving cleaning voter polls (from every state) in time to clean all of them before America is lost to Communism.

4 months ago

The Criminals are suing a state that wants to clean voter rolls.What is wrong here?The Party of voter fraud is actually showing who they are.Criminal Communists are them.

Michael Gorman
Michael Gorman
4 months ago
Reply to  Babsan

You are correct, this is a travesty!

4 months ago

This should be up to each state to keep their eligible voters on the roles not Biden or Harris. This is treason.

4 months ago

They are non citizens. They are not legal. They have no legal right to vote. That’s why Biden and that administration allowed all those criminals into our country. All states should be doing what Alabama was smart enough to do. We would have a safer, healthier, more respectful nation. . We’ve lost so much, no one respects our nation anymore! Vote right or you may be sorry.

Sherry Lindley
Sherry Lindley
4 months ago

Illegals should not have a say in our government. That is in the constitution and it comes above all else. Go Alabama!!!!

Linda Hall
Linda Hall
4 months ago

It’s the LAW, for goodness sake!! The
DOJ should be sued for breaking the law!

4 months ago

All states Need to Clean up. Texas Cleaned the voting list. Non citizens can not vote here!!!!

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