Brand New Attack Ad On Kamala Harris Hits Her Where It Hurts

Vice President Kamala Harris has an Achilles’ heel that Donald Trump is going to be certain to exploit as much as possible in the weeks ahead leading up to the November election. That Achilles’ heel is most certainly the immigration policies she’s championed as Joe Biden’s right hand man (gal?) for nearly four years now.

No matter how much Kamala Harris tries to deflect and put the attention on something else or even try to manipulate the American people into believing their border policies have been more effective than Donald Trump’s, the American people simply aren’t buying what she’s selling. Kamala Harris and her Democrat lackeys continue to plead with the American people that “everything is fine” at the border, but the surveys aren’t reflecting that anyone believes them.

The reality is that Donald Trump outperforms Kamala Harris on the immigration issue by somewhere around twelve to twenty points, depending on who you go to for polling data and survey results. In any case, it’s not good for her for this issue to spend time in the spotlight.

Former President Donald Trump and his allies are distinctly aware of this and are going to make sure that they pour a ton of resources and campaign expenditures into exploiting Kamala Harris on this issue. Making sure the American people are aware of her weakness on one of their top concerns when the general election season is in full swing this September through November will be an X-factor.

Trump Allies Release New Election Ad Highlighting Harris Immigration Disaster and Crimes

This week, a nonprofit organization, CatholicVote, published a video online that is their latest Kamala Harris attack ad. The ad is simple and effective in highlighting the dangers of what the Biden-Harris immigration policies lead to, namely violent crime and the said violent crime being brushed under the rug in a disgrace to the victims.

The ad opens up with a simple text saying “R*ped, strangled to death” and shows pictures of an 11-year-old Maria Gonzalez, who was tragically m*rdered by an illegal immigrant just last year. This tragedy rocked the Pasadena, Texas community and its families.

The ad goes on to say that the violent criminal was specifically released by the Biden-Harris administration. “The m*rderer? An illegal alien released by the Biden-Harris administration,” the ad goes on to claim.

Lastly, the ad jabs at Kamala Harris saying that she needs to focus on protecting Americans by securing the border rather than protecting potential voters. “In charge of the border for 3 years. Vice President Harris. Protect the vulnerable. Not Votes,” the ad ends with. Watch it using the video player below:

Mr. Brian Burch, the President of CatholicVote, said in a statement with reporters that he believes it’s important to highlight the moral failures of the immigration policies of Kamala Harris. “Vice President Kamala Harris’ shameful mismanagement of the border is morally indefensible,” the CatholicVote President had to say.

“Her failures have cost the lives of American citizens, while putting tens of thousands of vulnerable migrants at risk of r*pe, s*xual assault, and exploitation. While cartels, s*x traffickers, and drug dealers profit, real people, including children, are suffering. It’s clear that Kamala Harris has put politics and votes ahead of the lives of real people. Catholics are some of the most generous and welcoming citizens in America, but we are disgusted by this moral catastrophe,” Mr. Burch added in a statement.

Lastly, Burch said that his organization intends to double-down on this issue in the coming weeks. He alluded to this being “only the beginning” for attack ads on the immigration crisis. “This ad campaign is only the beginning of our massive effort to expose the truth about Kamala Harris,” Burch ended.

Swing Voters Key For 2024 Election Success

The 2024 election will pretty much just come down to a handful of states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin. In those states, there are undecided voters who are up for grabs. It’s smart for Donald Trump and his allies to simply pick the one issue that has largely unified Americans more than any other issue in recent years, which is securing the southern border. Americans on both ends of the political spectrum indicate that they do not want open border policies and they simply want illegal immigration under control.

This could be the way for Donald Trump to get back to some success with voting blocs he’s seemingly underperforming with at this time. A recent survey demonstrated that Catholic voters are almost an even split between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

While it’s certainly true that Donald Trump’s personality and his theater are bound to turn off plenty of Catholic voters, it’s wise to hit home at the law and order message that is core to living in a society that Christians of any background want to live in. The twelve point discrepancy between Protestant support for Donald Trump and Catholic support for Donald Trump highlights how there’s a ton of progress to be made. He likely wouldn’t get his Catholic support quite as high as his Protestant support, but in this election every small shift in voting behavior will count.

Even beyond religious voters, the surveys simply prove that Americans of all backgrounds want the border crisis under control. It’s hurt far too many families and caused too much pain all over the country, not just the southern states either.

Do you think hitting Kamala Harris on the illegal immigration is critical to 2024 election success for Donald Trump? Will these attack ads work? Let us know in the comments below.


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Biden's Empty War Room
Biden's Empty War Room
7 months ago

If the Biden-Harris administration is doing so well, why did they have to kick him to the curb just for a remote chance to win in November? She can’t hide from that.

Richard Bright
Richard Bright
7 months ago

If we don’t have borders, we don’t have a country. We owe it to our American brothers and sisters to demand better leadership on the border than Kamala do-nothing Harris.

7 months ago

The “border czar” has done nothing but keep our border wide open. If America elects her this fall, we are doomed

7 months ago

Someone tell me one substantial thing she’s done to help secure the border. I’ll wait.

Allisa Ritcher
Allisa Ritcher
7 months ago

shes obviously a democrat plant. wake up people!

7 months ago

Trump and the GOP would be smart to keep hammering her on her lack of action on the border! She and Biden have made a mess of things regarding illegal immigration!

Peter Davidson
Peter Davidson
7 months ago

Our southern states and cities need relief asap. Does she even care? doubt it. I’m surprised to see how close the catholic vote is. Hopefully Trump can show more catholic voters how insane Kamala is.

7 months ago

joe biden and kamala harris are responsible for the deaths of so many american citizens because of their open borders

7 months ago

I’m sick of this administration’s lack of regard for normal, every day citizens! It’s almost like they care more about illegal immigrants than the American people.

7 months ago

On immigration, her cringey 2021 interview with Lester Holt said it all.

7 months ago
Reply to  J.P.

All you have to do is keep repeating it

Gramma of 4
Gramma of 4
7 months ago

Yeah. There is no video to watch. Utube deleted it.

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