California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom Throws Joe Biden Under The Bus

The news cycle concerning Joe Biden’s pardon for his own son Hunter is not over. It’s such a monumental moment because it’s causing so many within the Democrat Party to rethink the way they view Joe Biden at the end of the day. Many mainstream and milquetoast Democrats who were proud defenders of Joe Biden and the Democrat establishment are being forced to face the ugliest parts of their own hypocrisy.

Democrat Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is one of the most outspoken defenders of Joe Biden and his administration. After President Biden’s painfully bad debate performance against Donald Trump in June, Gavin Newsom was one of the voices throwing his support behind whatever Joe Biden had decided. In the first few weeks after that debate, that meant supporting Joe Biden being the nominee.

Even after Joe Biden dropped out, Gavin Newsom was willing to step aside and let Kamala Harris take the easy path to a Presidential general election race. He’s a big “D” player, through and through. Which is what makes his latest announcement about Joe Biden so astonishing. He’s not following along with the defense game anymore.

Gavin Newsom has shared with reporters over at the outlet Politico that he is “disappointed” with Joe Biden over the pardon of Hunter Biden. He adds that the “full and unconditional” pardon of Hunter is unacceptable after telling the nation multiple times that he was uninterested in pardoning Hunter. There are countless videos publicly available of Joe Biden and his allies saying that he would not pardon Hunter and that he wasn’t even considering it.

“With everything the president and his family have been through, I completely understand the instinct to protect Hunter,” Gavin Newsom first shared in a statement with reporters. “But I took the president at his word. So by definition, I’m disappointed and can’t support the decision,” he went on to say.

This is one of Joe Biden’s most outspoken defenders saying this and confessing to the reality that Biden has lied through his teeth. Newsom, who has longterm political ambitions, is not going to be careless with his words. He chose the words “disappointed” and “can’t support” very carefully. He’s distancing himself from the Joe Biden Democrat establishment. This is the same man who said after the debate in June that the American people shouldn’t “turn” their backs on Joe Biden just because of a single poor debate performance.

Gavin Newsom’s Political Future In The Democrat Party

In the midst of licking their wounds of Kamala Harris’s huge loss to Donald Trump, reporters are indicating that Democrats are looking to Gavin Newsom for leadership for the years to come in a post-Biden world. The Hill reported that an anonymous Democrat has said of Newsom that “he spoils for a fight, and right now, you have a party that wants a shot in the arm.”

Gavin Newsom is aware of this. Distancing himself from Joe Biden as much as possible is a political move. He’s estimated this is the way to move forward considering Kamala Harris, who just spent her entire campaign for President defending Joe Biden, just lost in the most embarrassing fashion possible.

On the other hand, Gavin Newsom is a Democrat from California. Gavin Newsom has a very important connection to Kamala Harris, too, which may give Democrats a reason to pause the Newsom hype. What is that? Kamala Harris is a California Democrat too, and that’s no small connection.

Joe Biden’s win over Donald Trump in 2020, which is even more suspicious to Americans after the way Kamala Harris lost ten million Biden voters in 2024, is somewhat attributable to the fact that Joe Biden was not perceived as a “disconnected” radical Democrat from the furthest regions of the American west.

In fact, no Democrat from California has ever won a Presidential election in United States history. California has been one of the most populous states in the entirety of the union and it still has not produced a Democrat President just yet. The closest they got was a Republican President in Ronald Reagan.

Which, funnily enough, highlights another reason Democrats are struggling to move forward here. Americans are still rightly terrified of any remote smell of communism and true socialism reaching the American shores. Kamala Harris represented that with her campaign of price controls and government handouts.

It will be interesting if Gavin Newsom breaks from the Democrat establishment on agendas over the next few years. If not, he may suffer the same fate as all the other Democrats struggling to connect with the American people just like Kamala Harris.

What do you think of Gavin Newsom? Is he just going to angle for a Democrat nomination in 2028? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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2 months ago

I live in California I would not Want newsom To be anywhere close to the white house Socialism Is His way of doing things The America People Don’t need a communist leader like china has4 years Is a long time away So don’t forget Communist leader of California

2 months ago

Grusome NewSCUM has ruined the golden state with his DEMONrat/socialist/community policies.
*Sanctuary state for ILLEGALS
*Sanctuary state for ABORTIONS at any time
*Sanctuary state for child genital mutilation
*FORCED EV purchase
*Lack of electrical support for EV’s

2 months ago
Reply to  Margaret

I absolutely love your nickname for him: “Grusome NewScum” You nailed it!!

Charlene Mann
Charlene Mann
2 months ago

No matter, he’s still a Democrat and they lie all the time to get votes.

2 months ago

Gavin Newsome is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’s just trying to make himself look better. I don’t trust that conniving socialist as far as I can throw him. And seeing that I refuse to be anywhere near him, that’s how far I can throw him. ALL democrats are communists, they’ve proven it over the last couple of years. Personally, Newsome needs to be sent to Gitmo for the act of selling America out to communism. He and the other Democrats are worse than Benedict Arnold ever was!!!

2 months ago

Kamala Harris, a lifelong socialist, tried to hoodwink the American public into believing that she had shifted her views. Obviously, Americans are not the fools that elitists believe we are and she lost big time. By the same token, Gavin Newsome has a well established reputation for being an elitist with extreme left-leaning/socialist views. So while he and his wealthy and powerful elitist buddies may be able to rig the demoncratic party into nominating him, his run for presidency would be as effective as shouting at the wind to stop blowing… absolutely a lost cause!

William A. Ehmig
William A. Ehmig
2 months ago

He is the worst kind of California Socialist who will run in 28 or 32 and lose.

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