
Senate Report Shows The Full Extent Of Inefficiency In The Federal Government

As a U.S. citizen, it's normal to want the federal government to operate in an orderly and efficient manner. It's what government officials were...

House Democrats Delete Troubling Social Media Post That Mocked Voters

The American people are sick and tired of the establishment political class that currently resides in Washington, D.C. These politicians are hardly relatable to...

U.S. House Drops Report On 2020 Pandemic Panic, Proves Trump Was Right

Go back four years ago and the war over how the U.S. should approach the pandemic virus was absolutely insane. Anyone who was trying...

Fox News Host: Harris Economic Policies Will Cost Americans Their Jobs

One of the biggest mistakes that Democrats make these days in terms of the economy is to think that they can make a massive...

Joe Biden hit with stunning Congressional Black Caucus support in a wild turn of events

As President Joe Biden grapples with criticism over his recent debate performance and questions about his capacity to manage a second term, leaders of...

