Election News

Massive demographic shift is a scary bellwether for Democrats

The Democrat Party is in a state of complete shock. If you had believed pollsters, this election was going to be a coin flip,...

Pennsylvania Deep Red County Of Cambria Has Poll Systems Go Down

Just as the polling stations got kicked off in Pennsylvania, reports started to come out about voters being stuck in line due to the...

Republicans And Democrats Secretly Try To Convince Voters To Go Third-Party

With just how close the Presidential election has been, both candidates and their campaigns are looking for any advantage to eek out some critical...

U.S. Supreme Court Rules RFK Remains On Michigan And Wisconsin Ballots

Back in July, rumors started to fly that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be dipping out of the race for President and endorsing one...

Anonymous Democrat Insiders Say Kamala Campaign Is ‘Done For’

At one point in this election cycle, Kamala Harris was taking up all the attention and was truly giving Donald Trump and company a...

