Catholics Unexpectedly Break Strong For Trump According To Election Data

Catholics have for several decades been shifting support over to Democrat politicians up and down the ballot, a trend that is in contrast to the trend of their Protestant counterpart brothers and sisters. This goes back all the way to when John F. Kennedy Jr. became the first Catholic to be elected President of the United States.

Prior to the 2024 election, it was expected that the Catholic vote would nearly be evenly split between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, which would be a concern for Donald Trump as the “faith-based, Christian vote” bloc needed to be strongly in his favor. It’s a sadly shrinking voting bloc, that’s what makes it a point of emphasis for Republican candidates today more than ever.

Well, if Kamala Harris was actually hoping to win over the Catholic vote within any reasonable measure, she was wrong and all the pollsters were wrong (though the idea of pollsters being wrong is no surprise and is a common recurring theme in recent years). According to the breaking 2024 Presidential election data, Donald Trump won with Catholics at a resounding rate.

The Washington Post’s exit polling numbers are showing that Donald Trump had an 18-point lead over Kamala Harris with self-identified Catholic voters on Thursday night. This is yet another example of a bloc that was supposed to be competitive breaking in Donald Trump’s favor.

No doubt, one aspect of the election that Democrat elites may not have considered is that Joe Biden didn’t only have connections with the blue wall on matters of unions alone. He also is proclaiming Catholic, though he is regularly promoting policies that the Vatican has made entirely clear are anti-Catholic and anti-Christian.

There’s plenty of Catholics all throughout Pennsylvania and Michigan, so it stands to reason that this was a hurdle and eventually a dagger for the Kamala Harris campaign. This will only make the pondering about Joe Biden potentially being a better candidate than Harris in 2024 more interesting.

“Whatever you think of Biden’s social or domestic policies, he is a frequently mass attending Catholic from Pennsylvania who knows the language, you know, and is able to develop an affinity with Catholic voters based on that shared experience, that shared faith experience,” the founder of the Faith & Freedom Coalition shared with reporters after the Washington Post news broke.

In 2020, the data showed that Catholics had actually broke for Joe Biden to the tune of 4 points, 52-48 in favor of Joe Biden. This year, Donald Trump winning the Catholic voting bloc by around 18 points is thus a staggering 22 point swing. That’s no way to win an election.

There’s different data showing different results, but all of them are showing a double-digit swing for Trump.

Though voters have indicated over the past two decades that religion is a shrinking matter in their lives and in their political considerations, the Democrats have fostered an environment in which anyone who is remotely religious is being increasingly turned off by them.

“This is not the first time we’ve had a post election survey news conference where we have said, yet again, the Democrats have a religion problem, and it is serious, it is lethal,” the Faith & Freedom Coalition founder Ralph Reed added in his comments to reporters.

As for Protestants, the early data shows that Donald Trump has seemingly won that voting bloc in spectacular fashion with a 27-point victory over Kamala Harris. Reed from the F&F Coalition said this is something the Democrats have to address or face extinction.

“I think that this has been devastating to the Democrats,” Mr. Reed added. “There is no way to underscore enough how much this issue resonates with church going Protestants, and especially evangelicals.”

It wasn’t just Catholics and Christians who were instrumental in Donald Trump’s victory. Unexpected voting bloc gains like with Muslim voters also brought home key swing states for Trump, like Michigan.

In Deerborn, Michigan, which holds the nation’s largest Arab and Muslim voting bloc, Donald Trump won the county by six points over Kamala Harris in his 42-36% victory. Many Muslims and Arabs voted third-party or abstained, but the fact that 42% of the county voted for Trump was completely unexpected.

It’s not just that Democrats turned off voters, it’s that they’ve also driven them into the camp of Donald Trump. And if Tuesday was any indication, it’s that the voters who have given Trump a shot at having their ear like what they are getting from Trump’s movement.

What do you think of the religion issue for Democrats? Is it their radicalism that’s turned off religious voters? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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John F. Sullivan
John F. Sullivan
3 months ago

Biden a Catholic along with Harris have trashed all form of religion with their abortion stance. People are tired of supporting the Democrat influx of illegals who cost each person working a portion of their paycheck!

3 months ago

It’s the contempt that Kamala Harris and democrats openly showed for Christians as of they don’t matter. This lost them the vote also abortion is WRONG!

3 months ago

The Catholic vote and the Christian vote are different things. The Christian vote is a larger more powerful vote. Where the Catholic vote excludes many Christians. The Christian vote includes many Catholics and ex Catholics. Catholics are shrinking in number where Christians are growing in number.

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