Celebrity endorses Donald Trump’s strong connection with American people

It’s rare that a candidate for office is able to make a real connection with millions of Americans on the basis of what they actually represent and who they are. Such a candidate only comes around usually once every generation. Think the likes of John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and even the legends George Washington and Thomas Jefferson from back in the day.

You could argue that Barack Obama was such a candidate as well, but that’s muddied by the fact that he followed a President before him who was sinking in the polls harder than the Titanic in the North Atlantic Ocean. He benefited by a big rejection of the status quo of the eight years before him.

As for Donald Trump, you could say the jury is out on how whether history will view him in this way. There’s certainly a strong argument for it when you look at just how dedicated his base is to getting out to vote for him no matter what and how loyal his supporters are. Not only that, but regardless of whether he ever wins another election in this hyper-partisan American political landscape that has produced coin-flip elections, Donald Trump is single-handedly responsible for giving the Republican Party a new look that is absolutely more populist than anyone thought would’ve been possible in the 1990s and 2000s. This Republican Party today is as populist and for the people as it was back in the 1920s when the Republican Party championed sensible civil rights progress and pro-economic freedom. Think Calvin Coolidge.

Here’s why this is. A famous young comedian recently laid out the real reason why people are connecting with Donald Trump unlike anyone has seen since the Ronald Reagan days. It all comes down to one popular idea amongst the American people these days: “Anti-Establishment.”

Comedian Andrew Schulz was asked recently on a podcast about his real thoughts on Donald Trump. No shirking away from the question, just give it straight. His answer was that Donald Trump is “incredibly enticing” because, as opposed to the Democrat Party today, he “inspires” the people. He’s willing to “buck the system”, as he implies of Trump.

“He’s very enticing, he’s incredibly enticing and I think that he’s enticing because I think the Democrats have utterly failed to inspire us in any way, shape, or form,” Schulz said in response to the question about his thoughts on Donald Trump. “And that burden is now on Kamala… who is someone who is not the nominee because of the democratic process… She has a huge burden to inspire and I think it’s nice to see somebody that is bucking the system especially when you feel the systems, you feel have left you down,” he added.

When he received push back about whether Donald Trump is actually bucking the system, Schulz brilliantly pointed out that what matters is what the people think about Donald Trump. It’s the “perception,” as Schulz says in his response.

“It’s not about whether he is or isn’t; it’s the perception that he is. So, if you feel let down by the pharmaceutical industry and he’s out here questioning it, you’re like, ‘Ooh, I kind of like that.’ If you feel let down by the military-industrial complex with all these wars that we’re in and he’s like, ‘we’re going to stop these wars,’ you’re like, ‘Ooh, I like that,’ because you know if Kamala is in, we ain’t stopping no wars,” Schulz went on to claim.

The most important part of his answer came when he pointed out that the American people feel let down by the institutions that are supposed to be in their corner. The country, in many ways, doesn’t feel like it’s “for the people,” and Donald Trump is giving a voice to that.

“The enticement comes from the facts that he’s calling out these institutions that have let me down and let Americans down, right?” Mr. Schulz went on to claim. “So, if you’re critical of institutions that I’ve lost faith in, then naturally, I’m going to be like, ‘Alright, that sounds kind of fire.’ And if the other candidate isn’t also critical of them, I start to go, ‘Wait a minute, are you just a shill for these institutions that keep letting Americans down?’ And I think that’s where a lot of people in the middle, especially, are.”

No Voting Bloc Is Safe For Democrats Anymore

It’s hard to imagine if anyone else was the Republican nominee for President that a labor union boss from the Teamsters would show up to the Republican Convention as was the case in July of this year when Sean O’Brien gave a hot speech that made headlines everywhere. It’s important to note that Sean O’Brien was specifically invited by Donald Trump himself. This was his decision, and Trump was able to force the hand of the Republican Party to allow this even though it would have been unthinkable just eight or twelve years ago.

Sure, Sean O’Brien has his problems. Labor unions have their problems. Almost all big labor unions use forced union dues to suck their workers dry and then funnel the money into far-Left political advocacy groups and campaigns. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that Donald Trump wants to connect with the potential Rust Belt voters who might belong to a union.

Shifting the labor union voting bloc is something only Donald Trump was prepared (and capable) to do for the Republican Party and give room to those voters in a movement that is more about being pro-America rather than pro-Republican or pro-Democrat.

Reigniting 2016 Success Key To Trump Campaign

Comedian Andrew Schulz, who is a millennial male, highlighting that Trump’s “incredibly enticing” is a microcosm of the success that the former president might be getting back to that he enjoyed in 2016. What drove that? Driving out votes among young males. In 2016, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton among male voters to the tune of twelve points. The surveys in this election cycle so far show that Donald Trump is massively ahead this time around among men. In fact, this might be the first time that a Republican carries the young male vote for the first time in more than twenty years.

What drives that? It’s many factors driving that, of course. Young men are going to see the pictures and videos of Donald Trump looking like a warrior when he was shot and decided to get up and tell everyone watching to “fight, fight, fight” with his fist in the air and resonate with that. The seemingly intentional disenfranchisement of young men on the part of the Democrat Party machine is another factor.

In any case, as Schulz points out, there’s simply not the inspiration that Donald Trump gives the people anywhere to be found on the Democrat Party’s side. It’s hard to inspire when your political position is that you want everyone to drive electric cars by 2030 and that biological men are welcome in safe spaces designed for women.

If that trend holds for Donald Trump with a massive discrepancy in winning back male voters, do not be surprised if another Trump term in office materializes. His ability to connect with the average American once again is potent and he’s doubling down on that for this campaign.

What do you think about Donald Trump? Do you think he has the best interests of the American people at heart? Let us know in the comments below.


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7 months ago

He is the best we have the dems totally suck they all should be jailed

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