Donald Trump Wins Over Key 2020 Biden Voters

Two factors have led to Donald Trump’s success over the past eight years. For one, he’s been able to activate new voters who were previously uninterested in any of the candidates on offer since Ronald Reagan. The voter registration data shows that Donald Trump dominated that race with voters who did not participate in 2012 but were very energized for the 2016 election. This indicated how Trump was able to inspire voters who were previously off the table for any candidate in a general election.

The second factor is related to the first, and it’s that he has always been able to make a connection with average American voters who feel like Washington, D.C. politicians have lost their minds and are no longer common sense-driven. An extremely common theme you’ll hear from Trump supporters is that they feel as though he’s the only one with common sense. An argument could be made that Joe Biden was able to connect with those same Americans in 2020, until those voters saw how mad his administration would become, which is what ultimately forced the Democrats to stage a coup against him.

So how are these two factors looking in 2024 for Donald Trump? Well it’s hard to tell, but there’s signals that should seriously worry Kamala Harris and give great interest to the Trump campaign. Voters in key swing states who were not Trump supporters in 2016 or 2020 are now wondering if Kamala Harris is too far Left for them to stomach sitting out of this election.

Previously Undecided Iowans Unashamed To Support Trump Now

In Kellerton, Iowa, one American Shanen Ebersole shared with CNN reporters that she is “definitely” voting for Donald Trump even though she is one of the Nikki Haley voters that the mainstream media outlets have been saying won’t fall in line for Donald Trump.

“It’s definitely a vote for Trump,” the Iowa voter shared with CNN’s John King. “I’m happy doing that with the choices that we have. I don’t think there is any way I could vote any other direction,” she added.

She even considered voting third party this election, but she thinks the Biden-Harris regime has gone too far with their far-Left policies that have hurt Americans of all backgrounds.

“Because we have to put the American people first,” Ebersole went on to say when asked why she’s voting for Donald Trump. “I think that the policies that have been in place in the Harris-Biden administration, they hurt this. They hurt our land and they hurt the people of middle America the most,” she continued.

Ebersole would go on to say that the fact is that the Democrat Party, in general, keeps moving further to the Left, to the point that it seems like they want to control aspects of American lives that the government has no business being involved in.

Referring to taking care of the environment, Ebersole said “if you talk to a lot of us, we’re already doing things. There’s a huge regenerative movement here in the Americas by choice, not by mandate. I think that is the main thing that matters in politics, that we get to choose. We’re not being mandated to choose. We just want to live in the middle of nowhere and raise cows and feed our neighbors across the country.”

Ebersole lamented the idea of Kamala Harris “pushing her agendas” on rural Americans who live a completely different lifestyle than the citizens of California do. It’s a “totally different life” she shared with CNN’s reporters.

Another local Iowan, Betsy Sarcone, shared with CNN’s John King that she doesn’t buy into the narrative from some within the Trump circles that the 2020 election was “stolen”, but that she is “resigned” to voting for Trump. Again, she can’t follow the “status quo” and the madness it has wrought. Sarcone was previously going to vote for Joe Biden if the 2024 election ended up being a rematch of 2020, but with Harris in view and how bad things are for so many Americans, she is fully behind Trump.

“I would describe myself as being resigned to voting for Donald Trump,” the Iowan Sarcone shared. “I just can’t vote for the status quo and I was absolutely better off during Donald Trump’s presidency than I am today,” she went on to say.

Sarcone also touched on a common theme you’ll hear from Harris’s critics, that she has already been in power alongside Joe Biden for years now and she “could have done something” about the issues facing Americans. Particularly the border, Sarcone shared.

“She’s already been in office,” Sarcone added. “She could have done something about the economy. She could have done something about the border.” Sarcone believes that Kamala Harris is just too “far Left” for her to stomach holding her breath and not voting for Trump this November.

These are just anecdotal pieces of evidence, but if this is a theme that becomes more and more common to find ahead of the November election, that should worry the Kamala Harris campaign. Her biggest landmine is herself as plenty of Americans already believe she’s way too far-Left to be trusted in the White House. Whoever is able to truly connect with voters and sell their platform as one of common sense will have a huge leg up this cycle.

Are common sense voters going to hedge for Donald Trump? Or will they be willing to take a shot on Kamala Harris? Let us konw your thoughts in the comments below.


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6 months ago

Yes, Trump is the ONLY CHOICE…

5 months ago

I am a refugee from California now in Texas. The California politicians are bound and determined to impose their ideology on everyone. From taxation, open boarders, child mutilation and lawfare (ordinary people are next) we can not afford this and we need a republican house and senate

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