Kamala Harris’s Father Pens Book About Dangers Of Mass Immigration

On the campaign trail, Kamala Harris hasn’t wanted to discuss much about her father. She’s focused instead on sharing her story of growing up with her mother, though her father is still very much alive. He wasn’t even at the DNC where she received the official Democrat nomination for President, though it’s unclear whether he was invited at all.

Clearly the two have a strained relationship, but they also don’t quite see eye-to-eye on political matters either if the latest report about Donald Harris is any indication. According to reports, Donald Harris was once a staunch opponent to mass immigration policies for the United States, which clearly contradicts the modern Democrat Party’s rhetoric on the issue.

His reasoning is that mass immigration policies hurt U.S. workers the most, especially black workers in his opinion. He called mass immigration a “problem” that the black community faces, seemingly agreeing with Donald Trump on the concerns that low-skilled black workers will be pushed out of the jobs market.

Mr. Donald Harris co-authored a book from 1988 that’s called Black Economic Progress: An Agenda for the 1990s in which he details how the mass immigration issue is one he is seriously concerned about for the black community. He comes at this from a Marxist angle, as a Marxist himself, but interestingly comes to conclusions that are quite rational and anti-Democrat Party establishment of today.

“Trends in international trade have moved against U.S. workers,” Donald Harris wrote in the 1988 treatise. “U.S. immigration laws have been modified in ways that increase the influx of low-skilled workers, who compete with native-born youths and low-skilled adult workers for low-skilled jobs.”

This shift has been a particularly serious problem for blacks, who constitute a high proportion of the low-skilled adult workers,” he adds in the book. This is a fairly popular viewpoint, regardless of where one is on the political spectrum. It’s only a recent development of the last fifteen years or so that Democrats have railed against the idea that mass immigration hurts anyone at all.

Donald Trump has himself lamented the idea of illegal immigrants crossing the border and taking jobs that are easier for unskilled laborers to get. The Leftist media, however, has been calling him racist for calling these “black jobs” even though that’s what the statistics prove.

Clearly it’s not just Donald Trump making this claim either. Even Kamala Harris’s own father can see the writing on the wall and call it for what it is. Mass immigration is going to impact different communities differently. Races with an average lower social economic stature in America are bound to be the most impacted by mass immigration policies.

It really is just a common-sense notion that funneling in millions upon millions of illegal immigrants is a problem for the American worker. The modernist media talking heads won’t talk about that, though. Especially not MSNBC, CNN, or ABC. Not only will they not discuss it, anyone who questions the idea of just letting anyone who can pronounce “asylum” at the border in is to be labeled a bigot. According to the modern Democrat Party’s agenda, at least.

One disturbing trend that is often missed in this debate is that the foreign-born workforce is maybe even stronger than that of the native-born workforce in the United States right now. The native-born workforce should always be the priority and given the most attention by the politicians who (are supposed to) work for the American people.

What are your thoughts on mass immigration? Do you think it’s a net benefit for America? Let us know in the comments below.


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3 months ago

Hopefully DONALD Harris will endorse DONALD Trump!

3 months ago

I totally agree with Mr Donald Harris. Also need more vocational training centers for young and even incarcerated

Phil Simpson
Phil Simpson
3 months ago

I learned to weld in the mid 70s, worked as a “code” welder until my factory job went to China. I was very lucky to find another job only 30 miles away where I welded part of the time (when needed) while being a maintenance mechanic at a chemical plant. Spent 30+ years there. Never have been a “boss” or in management but I’ve retired with almost $1 million saved (we live frugally in a very rural area). Still, at 72 y/o, cut my own firewood to heat our house. I love my life.

3 months ago

For some time now I have felt that the anger and disrespect Harris has shown Trump stems from her unresolved anger of her father. They have not spoken for years and they lived a close distance from each other in California and now in Washington. Check with a therapist and then can provide more information on this issue. Both men are in the same age approximately.

Ricardo J. Estrada
Ricardo J. Estrada
3 months ago

The people who are voting for kamala harris do not care, they will vote for anything that smells like democrat but, once it impact their pocket book, their ability to find jobs they will find a way to blame the republicans, Trump or anybody that have enough brains to see the foreseeable future for what will happen; it always works that way!!!!!

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