Leading Leftist Goes On CNN To Put Her Own Party On Blast For Losing 2024 Election

The Democrat Party was in complete shock once the results came in for the presidential election. There was certainly a world where they could picture Vice President Kamala Harris losing to Donald Trump, but they didn’t picture her losing by this much. As many know by now, Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris in a landslide by securing victories in all of the swing states and by winning the popular vote.

And because of this historic defeat, the Left is now wondering who to point fingers at. But one Democrat strategist thinks it’s best to look within their own Party and not blame outsiders for Harris’s loss. This is causing an outright political civil war for the Democrats.

Democrat Strategist Lays Down Hard Truth On CNN

Julie Roginsky, a strategist for the Democrat Party, didn’t shy away when telling viewers on CNN that her Party only has themselves to blame for Kamala Harris’s defeat to Donald Trump. She explained that Democrats are “not the party of common sense” and that’s a key contributor as to why they didn’t perform well with voters this election cycle.

“I’m going to speak some hard truths to my friends in the Democratic Party. This is not Joe Biden’s fault. It’s not Kamala Harris’ fault. It’s not Barack Obama’s fault – it is the fault of the Democratic Party in not knowing how to communicate effectively to voters,” Roginsky said. “We are not the party of common sense, which is the message that voters sent to us.”

She specifically brought up how Leftists will refer to Latinos as Latinx and how that makes“them think that we don’t even live in the same planet as they do.” But Roginsky didn’t stop at that example. She also brought up how Democrats weren’t quick to condemn the anti-Israel protestors that took over college campuses earlier this year.

“When we are too afraid to say, ‘Hey college kids, if you’re trashing a campus at Columbia University because you’re unhappy about some sort of policy and you’re taking over a university and you’re trashing it, preventing other students from learning, that that is unacceptable,” Roginsky stated. She even brought up how strictly enforcing pronoun usage is “virtue signaling” and turns people off from the Democrat Party.

In the wake of the presidential election where many Democrats are pointing to racism and misogyny as to why Kamala Harris didn’t win the presidency, Roginsky couldn’t have hit the nail on the head any better as to why the Left actually underperformed this election cycle.

The Democrat Party used to be for the working class and the common man so to speak, but now it seems as though they couldn’t be more exclusive. As Roginsky noted, if you don’t use correct terms like Latinx, or the correct pronouns when speaking to someone, you’re immediately chastised and kicked out of the Party’s good graces.

It’s highly doubtful that a blue collar worker in the Rust Belt cares all that much as to how they refer to someone or how they’re referred to. What they care about is being able to pay the bills in a declining economy under the Biden/Harris administration. That blue collar worker’s economic struggles is what the Democrats should be addressing, not pointless cultural issues that have little meaning.

“We need to get back to being the party of common sense that people look at us and say, we understand you, we appreciate what you say because you speak our language. And until we do that, we should stop blaming other people for our own mistakes,” Roginsky concluded. And while her words will certainly resonate with some like-minded Democrats, will the rest of the Party catch on?

So far, in the wake of the election, it looks like they haven’t. Prominent Democrats on mainstream news channels have continued to point fingers at others instead of looking within. Most notably, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough basically blamed Latinos for being racist and misogynist for breaking away from Kamala Harris this election:

If more election defeats keep happening for the Democrat Party, expect more people like Julie Roginsky to speak up about the Party’s flaws. But also expect for more of the same from the likes of Scarborough and other Leftists who can never take proper accountability. This will only worsen the rift that’s being created within the Democrat Party.

What did you think of Roginsky’s comments? Was she right in her assessment that the Democrat Party needs to do a better job of relating to average Americans? Let us know in the comments below!


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3 months ago

Who cares I`m waiting to see them jailed and charged with treason.

3 months ago

The demonrats will never admit that they are their own worst enemy! They blame everyone else for their mistakes. They don’t care about the average American. To them, we are all useless eaters, to be controlled, bullied, disparaged if we don’t agree with them. They will never admit their guilt, because they think they are never wrong. Until they own up to what they have done, the party will never change

3 months ago

It’s about time SOMEONE with a “head on their shoulders” tells rank and file party leaders where to get off.
The current democrap party is NOT what my dad voted for, nor is it what I voted for 50 years ago.putvTHST in your pipe and smoke it, Schumer, Pelosi, New some, et. al.

3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Same here, Lee. I was a proud registered “D” since I turned 18, in 1968. That was my dads party and for good reason. I became DISGUSTED in the second year of Obama’ first term. I “Walked Away” never to look back. I didn’t abandon my party, my party abandoned me! I am now with the party of “Common Sense”. I sleep so much better now.

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