U.S. House Drops Report On 2020 Pandemic Panic, Proves Trump Was Right

Go back four years ago and the war over how the U.S. should approach the pandemic virus was absolutely insane. Anyone who was trying to suggest that the federal and state level governments in the U.S. were far too rash in their decisions to shut down large sectors of the economy was labeled unsympathetic. Anyone who suggested that the virus and its origins seem a little strange was labeled a conspiracy theorist. Anyone not wanting to receive the quickly produced vaccine was a “science denier.”

Donald Trump made plenty of errors during that period, including spending America into oblivion and bending to the unelected officials who wanted to take advantage of the pandemic panic. That being said, he was clear that he was always very suspicious about what the origins of the virus actually were. He was one of the first high-profile individuals willing to say that he believed it came out of a lab leak from Wuhan, China. The mainstream media and bought out “fact-checkers” were all quick to call him a liar with no evidence of this.

Well, it turns out he was right all along. U.S. government agencies started to do their own research on the matter and many of them concluded that the virus either very likely came out of a lab leak or that it very well could have. The door was opened to the idea that Trump was right. Now Congress has weighed in with a newly declassified report that suggests it’s almost certainly the case that the 2020 virus leaked out of a Chinese lab.

Not only that, but it likely also leaked due to being developed with U.S. gain-of-function research that Anthony Fauci and his lackeys have been denying for years now. They all denied it in Congress time and again, but the truth is slowly coming out for all to see.

“By nearly all measures of science, if there was evidence of a natural origin it would have already surfaced,” the U.S. House report release reads. The report goes on to say that there were warning signs of the leak well before 2020 rolled around. Apparently some individuals were potentially sick with the virus in the middle of 2019.

The lab reportedly had a “history of conducting gain-of-function research at inadequate biosafety levels,” with the report adding that there’s evidence of several who were “sick with a COVID-like virus in the fall of 2019, months before COVID-19 was discovered at the wet market.”

The report lists five main points that are the “strongest” arguments for why the virus very likely leaked out of the Wuhan, China lab. Firstly, they note that the virus carries characteristics that are “not found in nature,” thus making it next to impossible that it was naturally developed as the “science experts” insisted for years.

Secondly, they note that the way it spread is indicative of a leaked virus. Thirdly they point to the fact that the Wuhan region is the forefront of China’s labs that have a long history of gain-of-function research which can lead to this sort of disaster. Fourthly, they note the evidence that the researchers were possibly sick with the virus first, which would be odd if it was a natural virus.

Lastly, but not least, is the obvious point that there’s no clear evidence that it was a naturally produced virus. No evidence of this has been discovered, and actually all the evidence of the contrary is what is popping up. All this leads Congress to conclude Donald Trump was right all along.

Government Abuse And Fraud Ran Unchecked During Pandemic

The U.S. House report doesn’t just go over the origins of the virus. It also goes on to lay out all of the horrible ways this pandemic was being abused and mishandled by the U.S. federal government. Relief funding and programs designed to help those in need were abused and they were all left unchecked.

The report notes that the Paycheck Protection Program “which offered essential relief to Americans in the form of loans that could be forgiven if the funds were used to offset pandemic-era hardships — was rife with fraudulent claims resulting in at least $64 billion of taxpayers’ dollars lost to fraudsters and criminals.”

Congress estimates that nearly $200 billion in taxpayer dollars were wasted on fraudulent unemployment claims alone. “Fraudsters cost the American taxpayer more than $191 billion dollars by taking advantage of the federal government’s unemployment system and exploiting individuals’ personally identifiable information.”

While the taxpayer dollars were being wasted and left unaccounted for left and right, the shutdowns of large swaths of the economy for the sake of “safety” was also devastating for the economy and potentially unnecessary, according to the report.

“Federal and state governments imposed mandatory lockdowns that were the primary cause of temporary and permanent business closures. More than 160,000 businesses closed due to the pandemic — with 60% of those closures classified as permanent. For the businesses that stayed or re-opened, the lack of supply chain diversity exacerbated pandemic-era challenges and deepened existing disparities,” Congress notes regarding the economic impacts of the rash decision making during the pandemic.

Furthermore, the unemployment rates which reached levels unseen since the Great Depression in the 1930s were in part caused by “social distancing” requirements that were not based on scientific research and sound reasoning. Many workers may have been allowed to keep their jobs if the illogical and unfounded “6 feet apart” rules weren’t strictly enforced where they were unnecessary.

The report has so much more interesting details that you can find on the House Oversight government website.

What do you think? Is it time to forgive and forget? Or should there still be consequences for those who played a part in the cover ups? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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James F hayes
James F hayes
2 months ago

This comes as no surprise to anyone who paid attention the conflicting reporting. Liberals were not being truthful.

2 months ago
Reply to  James F hayes

LOL! They never are…

2 months ago

When you have democrats in charge this is exactly the outcome you can expect! Further, uncontrolled unethical media talking heads ie : The view, morning Joe, Rachel Madcow will simply amplify their uneducated and unrealistic views. Hence the past four years of the worst administration in history!!

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