White House Jobs Report Shows No New Jobs Added In October

The economy is obviously a major pain point for many Americans all over the country from a whole host of backgrounds. The Biden-Harris regime and its Democrat lackeys are quick to point to a strong American stock market as a way to outright disregard any concerns average Americans have about inflation, the jobs market, and how the economy is working for them.

The jobs market has been quite weak in recent months, with the Biden-Harris administration having to “adjust” down previous reports of at least decent new job growth. The truth is that it’s actually much worse than anyone thought it would be right now.

Economists were generally expecting around 110,000 new jobs to be created in the month of October, which was already a low expectation because the September numbers were weak as well. The bar was set low, but they managed to get nowhere near the low bar.

According to the latest reports, the United States was only able to create just 12,000 new jobs for the month of October. That’s straight from the mouth of the Bureau of Labor Statistics as well. The BLS reports that the jobs market posted growth of just 10% of what was expected for the month of October. That’s awful.

To go along with this is the fact that 46,000 manufacturing jobs were lost in October. Making matters even worse, October would have been the first time the United States saw a net negative in payroll jobs since December of 2020 during the height of the pandemic panic were it not for government jobs getting the number to a positive but paltry 12,000.

According to the BLS website, 7 million Americans remain out of work but in search of work. This is significantly higher than this time last year when 6.4 million Americans were out of work but looking on the horizon. The rest of the report is ugly as well.

Before October, the construction market had been adding 20,000+ jobs for twelve straight months. In October, the construction market was only able to add 8,000 jobs to their industry for workers to fill. Government employment, meanwhile, was up 40,000 jobs. This is indicative of a larger shift away from traditionally proud, American jobs of construction and similar blue-collar work and towards administrative and tech sectors.

The wages aren’t looking robust either. In October, the average wages for non-farm employees rose just 0.4%. Annualized, that’s just 4.8%, which barely keeps up with inflation, and in some cases cannot keep up with inflation when the month’s annualized inflation is nearly 10%, as has been the case during the Biden-Harris administration’s tenure.

Immigration & The Tightening Economy

The Left for years has disregarded any concerns that mass immigration is going to hurt American workers. They argue that it’s not possible for mass immigration to make it more difficult for native-born Americans to compete for good jobs, which of course is absolutely asinine.

Democrats pay lip service to the idea of “good, honest jobs for all Americans” but the reality is that they ignore the truth of what illegal immigration is doing to hurt the financial status of countless Americans. It’s simply true that when illegal immigrants (and even some legal immigrants) will come to America and work for half the wage a native American would be willing to work for, it incentivizes industries to box out Americans who don’t have experience in any other industry that may have a job available for them.

At one point, unskilled labor wasn’t something to be ashamed of in America. Today, the political class looks down on unskilled labor as if they haven’t caught up with the times and learned how to just insert themselves in booming new sectors like the tech industry.

The Democrats of today are now the ones who look down on the Americans who just want simple, honest work at a fair wage, and it’s Donald Trump and the Republicans who are at least giving them a voice. This is why countless union members are voting for Donald Trump when they would traditionally prefer anyone with a (D) next to their name.

What do you think about this jobs report from October? Is the Biden-Harris admin failing Americans looking for good work? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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3 months ago

Lies exposed again

3 months ago

Biden/Harris HAS FAILED the US citizen-worker…it is too hard to find a job – skilled or unskilled. The administration is giving so much money, jobs, and anything they can to NON-citizens who push their way over the borders and DEMAND work, food, housing and perks that us born & living here for 60+ years can’t get…WE NEED BIG CHANGE IN OUR LEADERSHIP IN WASHINGTON AND EVERY – EVERY AREA IN THE COUNTRY!!! We must put LEGAL citizens FIRST!!! AND QUIT kicking the elderly (over 60s) under the rug of not caring about them!!!

America in Decline
America in Decline
3 months ago

Obama/Biden/Harris opened the immigration flood gates for the main purpose of presumably increasing the Democrat voting roles! Whether they were successful, will be determined November 5th. Meanwhile America is awash in illegal invaders, most at government expense! They will not leave but continue to be a drain on the taxpayer for generations! Vote Trump/Vance! We may have a chance for mitigation!

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